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Friday, July 30, 2010

The Amsterdam experience

These posts on Amsterdam are a few months late. I was in the small town called Nijmegen (in The Netherlands) for 2 weeks in early June when California was still cold and people were still skiing in a few resorts at Lake Tahoe. There were a lot garden chores to do and a ton of little plants to take care, but I HAD to go. I was happy about the 2 quarter hiatus (thanks to the economy and the spending freeze that was announced at my Company) in discretionary spending.

Here are some pictures...

The world cup fever was evident throughout the country.

Ended up eating at some random Indian restaurant AGAIN. I spotted it as I walking around and exploring the streets of Amsterdam. Lesson learnt....never try Indian food at unknown places outside India. And oh my god....the prices where exorbitant.

And what a lovely picture of a sunrise from my plane as I struggled to sleep on the aircraft yet again.

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